Grassy Weed Control
W808 - Nimblewill Control
SP642 - Dallisgrass Control
W146 - Crabgrass Control
W170 - Goosegrass Control
W237 - Bermudagrass Control
W204 - Poa annua Control in Overseeded Bermudagrass
W203 - Poa annua Control in Non-overseeded Bermudagrass
W239 - Removing Overseeded Perennial Ryegrass
Broadleaf Weed Control
W807 - Wild Violet Control
W266 - Ground Ivy Control
W399 - Hairy Bittercress
W267 - White Clover Control
W404 - Parsley-Piert Control
W205 - Winter Annual Broadleaf Weed Control
W147 - Virginia Buttonweed Control
W242- Brush Control

Controlling Grass-Like Weeds
W216 - Star-of-Bethlehem Control
W212 - Wild Garlic Control
W260 - Nutsedge and Kyllinga Control
Herbicide Information
W827 -Frequently Asked Questions: Glyphosate
D5 - Preemergence Herbicide Selection Following Winter Stress
W270 - Safety of Household Chemicals Compared to Herbicides
W192 - Why Will My Weed Problem Not Go Away?
W268 - Herbicides For Use on Golf Course Putting Greens
W294 - Using Growing and Cooling Degree Days to Maximize Herbicide Efficacy
W236- Calibrating a Pull-Behind, Two-Nozzle, Boom Sprayer
W243- Use of MSMA for Weed Management in Turf
W352- Understanding How Turfgrass Herbicides Work
W238 - Weed Control During Turfgrass Establishment
W269 - Weed Control in Centipedegrass
W1067 - Weed Management in Dormant Bermudagrass Golf Greens
W1068 - Lawn and Landscape Weed Control for Homeowners
PB 1903 - Lawn Maintenance Calendar
W1237 - Update on Roundup-Branded Herbicides for Consumers